Our Team and its partners


Prof. Dr. Stefan R. Schweinberger
Dr. rer.soc. , Dipl.-Psych. CPsychol

Stefan R. Schweinberger is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Jena. He is interested in the cognitive, social, and brain processes that mediate human per-ception and communication. He also currently directs the DFG Research Unit Person Perception. Prof. Schweinberger builds contacts with national and international autism researchers, coordinates research, intervention and management, and connects SPA with local research facilities.

Room: 111, Am Steiger 3/1
Phone: +49 (0)3641 945 181
stefan.schweinberger [at] uni-jena.de

Coordinator of Research 

Dr. Helene Kreysa
PhD, Dipl. Psych., Magister Artium in Linguistics

Helene Kreysa is a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of General Psychology. Her research focuses on the role of eye contact for language comprehension, perspective-taking and social interaction. This underpins a long-standing interest in autism, which she continues to pursue through the organisation of the „ASD Journal Club“ and the regular meetings of the Autism Network.

Address: Leutragraben 1, 18th floor, Room 18-N07
Phone: +49 (0)3641 945 980

Director of Clinical Interventions and Education

Andrea E. Kowallik, M.Sc.

M.Sc. Psychology

Andrea E. Kowallik, M.Sc.

Address: Leutragraben 1, 18th floor, Room 18-S08

PhD Candidates

Dr. Samaneh S. Dastgheib (MD)

Neurofeedbacktraining of the Mu-rhythm in Autism

Supported by the Landesgraduiertenförderung of the Free State of Thuringia

Andrea Kowallik (M.Sc.)

Face and Voice Imitation in Autism

Supported by the Herbert-Feuchte-Foundation for Research in Intellectual Disabilities


Dr. Jürgen Kaufmann

Institute of Psychology
General Psychology and Cognitive Neurosciences
& DFG Research Unit Person Perception

Friedrich Schiller University of Jena

Prof. Dr. Christoph Redies

School of Medicine
Institute of Anatomy I

Friedrich Schiller University of Jena

Prof. Dr. Karl-Jürgen Bär

Jena University Hospital for Geriatric Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Prof. Dr. Martin Walter

Jena University Hospital for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Dr. Verena G. Skuk

Institute of Psychology
General Psychology and Cognitive Neurosciences
& DFG Research Unit Person Perception

Friedrich Schiller University of Jena

Associated Investigators

Dr. Stella J. Wuttke

Infinite Potential Institute, Clayton,
NE-Georgia, USA

Prof. Romina Palermo, Ph.D.

The University of Western Australia


Dr. Matthias Schurz

Paris Lodron University Salzburg


Dr. Tobias Schuwerk

Ludwig Maximilians University Munich


Prof. Dr. Luise Poustka

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University Hospital


Prof. Jim Tanaka, Ph.D.

University of Victoria,


Prof. Peter Mitchell, Ph.D.

University of Bradford

United Kingdom

Dr. Atsushi Senju, Ph.D.

Birbeck College London

United Kingdom

Prof. Sarah Weigelt, Ph.D.

Technical University Dortmund


Prof. Dr. Isabel Dziobek

Humboldt University Berlin


Dr. Dana Schneider

University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal


Clinical Partners

Head of Service

Gabriele Kühn

Early Education and Advisory Centre Jena

Jena University Hospital for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Clinic for Autismus Spectrum Disorders

Autism Clinic

Information about Autism Clinic Jena

Associated Clinical Partners

Dr. Daniela Schulze-Henning, PhD


ASD Assessment Service- NELFT NHS Foundation Trust

United Kingdom

Student Assistants

  • Clara Breier
  • Tarja Mynttinen
  • Wenbo Wang
  • Rebecca Wientzek
  • Maria Zangemeister


  • Prof. Dr. Christoph Redies
  • Felix Steinke
  • Nikol Tsenkova